July 27, 2015



For a solid 2 years in college, I had a plan to become an illustrator.

This doesn’t speak to any innate talent I have, but I hope gives an idea of my passion for the discipline.

After coming from photography, I found illustration a way to take more complete creative control of the viewer’s experience. In a photograph I have the power to capture a moment. In framing a shot, I have the power to influence the viewer’s understanding of things. But illustration offers the creator a way to completely control every element of the environment.


Photography is a powerful artform, no argument there. But I think your average illustration can be more influential than a photograph, photographic manipulations notwithstanding.

I don’t draw as much as I wish I had time to, but I remain a fervent fan and supporter of fine art and illustration.

PiiiiinterestThese days Pinterest gives me my daily dose of illustration along with a nagging urge to put the pen to the page again.

If you haven’t found a place for pinterest in your routine, I advise a cautious approach. It can be quite addictive once your feed is running and you encounter superb works of art every time you log in.

I took a one on one screen printing class from the director of our print factory at UCSD in my final year there, and I have a real strong hope of getting some art prints, hats, stickers and other products printed and available in the near future.

I would like to develop my art but I have a tendency to place it on the back burner.

I look forward to sharing some art!