July 27, 2015


I consider video one of my greatest passions and strengths.

I don’t have the portfolio to back that up yet, but it is one of my biggest priorities.

I have been privileged to work on a few pieces that I am quite proud to have been involved with. I hope to grow my portfolio and plan to expand this page as the site grows. I will include more shorts and pieces I am involved with as they become available.

Kickstarter Product Video

This is a short Kickstarter piece I made for a product called the Omnistation by Cyspo on a bootstrap budget. The whole process took about 2 days. We shot for about 4 hours total. Audio took about 20 minutes. Editing was roughly a 14 hour job. About 8 hours on the first edit and another 4-6 after change requests and additional still images were sent in. The company considered the campaign a success as they raised over $40,000 to get their product to market.

The dancer in this video is my friend, Jennifer Jinhee Jhang. As you can see, she is quite a talented dancer and was very open to the idea of working together, in spite of the fact that I still had no portfolio at the time and had never shot a dance video. I would definitely like to make more dance videos in the future, but for a first attempt I am satisfied with what I was able to put together.

Chiptunes Documentary Trailer

These are interviews from a chip show in Downtown Los Angeles, circa 2013. I’m a huge fan of documentary-style films and love the way a story tells itself. There is a nerve that a documentary film can trip, which seems not to present itself in other film styles. Before BlaqkBox was a glimmer in my eye, I took an interest in chiptune music and pulled these interviews from a few of the artists at 8-bit show in Downtown Los Angeles, called Frequency 2.0. I have this huge passion for the chiptunes culture, which I think helps in touching the culture. What an awesome and solid community.

If you’re a fan of video, rest assured I am most excited to explore this medium and hope to begin revisiting the editing room very soon.

Stay Tuned!
