I came across the Kickstarter for MagnetCubes a few weeks ago and the moment I saw the Kickstarter promo for these blocks I could feel the child inside me throwing a tantrum.
These are a modern take these old school wooden blocks with marble tubes I used to have as a kid, but they’re so much more flexible and customizable.
These are lightweight, click together magnetically, and allow you to customize the track within each cube to build the course however you want.

The Kickstarter went live on April 16 and was fully funded within 15 minutes, so clearly I’m not the only person who thinks these are fantastic.
The Kickstarter is live through the end of May and right now a single starter set is under $40 and the deluxe set is around $50.
So maybe my only real issue now is how many sets to order.
My kids are still a little too young to appreciate these or to take proper care of them and I don’t want to have to fish for steel marbles in spent diapers, but I’ll definitely play with this after hours or keep these in lock-up until my kids are old enough to put them to use.
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